Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Have a client tonite that is getting headaches on a daily basis now. Over the past 6 weeks they've gotten more frequent and she says she is ready to pull her hair out.

Here is a list of items to survey when looking for underlying causes of headaches. It may be one or more of these, or something else I may not be aware of yet.

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular/Circulation
  • Cervical Spine
  • Chronic infections
  • Sinuses
  • TMJ
  • Dental issues
  • Allergies
  • Oxygen
  • Sugars
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Chemicals and toxicity
  • Magnesium
  • Hormones
  • Nutrition-general ie amino acids, minerals, vitamins and EFA's

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Eugenol is a phenolic found in vanilla, perfumes etc. Phenolics are one of the first things to look at if someone has allergies/sensitivities.

A young boy from Canada came into our office last week with hives as one of his symptoms, Eugenol turned out to be one of the culprits. A homeopathic with Eugenol was made for him and gave him great relief from hives.

Indications: Brain allergy, collagen disease, diabetes, extreme fatigue, headache, hives, itching of mouth, panic attacks, smoking addiction.

Action In Body: Suspected as a cause of chronic urticaria (hives).

Commercial Use: Used in manufacture of vanilla. Used in perfumery. Defoamer in yeast production. Synthetic flavoring agent.

Medical Use: Employed externally by dentists as antiseptics and feeble anasthetic. Has been used via a Levine tube to treat peptic ulcer. Formerly used internally as an antiseptic, antipyretic and analgesic.

Candida/Yeast and the Trojan Horse

Here is a simple recipe that has worked well for people with candida-overgrowth of yeast. It seems that the sugar from the maple syrup is the Trojan Horse bringing in the sodium bicarbonate to kill off the yeast.

3 parts Pure Maple Syrup
1 part Baking Soda-beware Arm & Hammer has aluminum in it, try to use an alternative without aluminum if you can.

Heat for 5 minutes on the stove. Take 1 Tablespoon 1-3x per day with an 8oz glass of water. Best to take on an empty stomach when those cells are starving, they'll love the sugar and be surprised when they drop dead.

I've actually boiled this into a candy and dropped it onto parchment paper and made drops. Well, candy is actually a misnomer, it tastes awful this way. The reason I did it this way was to keep it intact. The liquid seperates and I have no idea how long it stays "fresh".

Another remedy would be Oregano Oil. You'll smell like a pizza factory and it'll about knock you over, but they say it is excellent for candida/yeast. The Wildcrafted Oregano Oil is the best. My local health food store has their own label and they do a really great job and offer a great price.