Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Detox-Garbage In, Garbage Out

Here are a few supplements that I have found helpful in detoxifying the body.

I recommend having any supplements tested on an EAV device, preferrably IQS, before taking any supplement for these reasons:

  1. All products are not created equal. I have seen high priced items test in the negative and low priced items test out with a very high value.
  2. The IQS System is a communication device that communicates with your innate intelligence(that part of you that pumps your blood and breathes and bats your eyelashes without you having to think about it consciously) via electrical skin response.
  3. It is quick and reliable. You'll have answers to your questions in seconds.
  4. It helps you avoid taking more supplements than needed, hence saving you money and another toxic burden on your body.
  5. IQS can help you determine your proper dosage with any given supplement or substance.
  6. You are able to see if you can tolerate a supplement that you need.
  7. If your practitioner is trained to clear an allergy/sensitivity response to a given ingredient and/or supplement, then you should be able to be cleared quickly and take that supplement home with you.

  • L-Glutathione- This tripeptide is created in the body from three amino acids: glycine, glutamic acid, and cysteine. Glutathione can grab onto hundreds of types of environmental chemicals and drag them right out of the blood, through the liver, gallbladder and gut and eventually end up flushed down the toilet, where they belong!
  • Milk Thistle has been used as a liver detoxifier, but what you may not know is that it works by irritating the liver. There may be other herbs that would be less stressful. New Chapter has one called LiverForce and HimalayaUSA has one called LiverCare. Both of the products contain no Milk Thistle.
  • Vitamin C-it raises the gluathione by helping the body manufacture it.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Glutamine-amino acid
  • Methionine-amino acid *Note for IQS users check the methylation process of the liver and create homeopathic with methylation if needed.
  • S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe)
  • Whey Protein
  • B6, Riboflavin, Selenium-these vitamins are required in the manufacture of glutathione
  • Cilantro-an herb in your grocery store is a great mercury/heavy metal detoxifying herb.

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